The riots and demonstrations that have been taking place in Cairo, a capital of Egypt, in the past years have ended with a military coup in Egypt for the proclamation of a new government. Attractions of Egypt really take place in Tahrir Square in Cairo, but they caused a massive flight of tourists.
Then we ask ourselves is it safe to travel to Egypt now with the incidents that there are? Obviously, it is a personal decision, but we recommend that traveling with common sense, you can enjoy your trip to Egypt despite the coup that has been proclaimed. With coup or not, Egypt is still working and receiving all those travelers who wish to know.
Like everything in life, it depends on the perspective of each. You must read several forums before traveling and most talked about security in Cairo as well as in Luxor or Aswan. Some suggested that we travel by Agency rather than by free and others, however, we were advised to hire an Agency for flight and hotel for the cheap that is now but then we move there on our own, taking taxis. And this is what we did: we traveled by Egypt Travel Plan by Ask Aladdin but we took a couple of days off to walk around Cairo city to our pace.

You can enjoy the Egypt tour with total security, escaping from the scams, those who stop you saying that they are teachers and that they approach you where you want to go, of those who tell you that they give you something for free and then charge you exorbitant tips or get angry. Always follow the advice of the guides, travelers who were previous days as a friend of mine who told me that the metro is safe. Take precautions as to the areas but do not miss living the local life and yes, in my view, traveling to Egypt is safe if you follow the recommendations and do not visit the Sinai Peninsula.
In Egypt, tourists are one step above the rest of the population and the police are to pamper us (and ask us for some other tip). There is a special type of police, the tourist police, who are especially responsible for ensuring that the traveler is safe at all times. It is advisable to travel to Egypt in a group and through Egypt travel plan by Ask Aladdin, avoiding visits to places that are not on the usual tourist circuits. In the case of travel without agencies or alone, it is recommended to inform the planned itinerary to friends and/or relatives confirming the arrivals to the different destinations.

On a trip to Egypt, like any other country, you should be, at all times properly documented. And have the common sense not to get into unnecessary trouble, avoid transit through unfamiliar areas, especially at night with the risk of acts of common crime such as theft or robbery. Attention should also be paid to measures of self-protection, such as caring for personal belongings, closing the hotel door on the way out, and locking the vehicle when driving. Likewise, when organizing professional visits to Egyptian centers of work.